How do I place an order?

Click on the Catalog click at the top of our site then choose the product categories. Click on the product image if you want to buy the product or see more details. Select your size and quantity, then click on the Add to Cart button. Your shopping cart is displayed at the right hand side of the screen. To place your order can send us an inquiry.

Shipping information:

When will my order will be shipped?

Please see each individual item page for more information on the availability of each item. Also, after placing your order, You will receive a shipment confirmation via email when your order has shipped and tracking information within 3 days of shipment.

How much is my shipping?

Shipping charges are manually calculated prior to submitting your payment information, and it’s based on several factors including weight of the items ordered and the shipping method selected.

Do you ship to my country?

Yes we are shipping our products all over the world excluded Israel.

When will my order be shipped and what are my shipping charges?

Shipping is manually calculated prior to submitting your payment information. you can add items to your cart and proceed to the inquiry and we will inform you the Shipping method choices with their prices. We will ship your order shortly after we receive payment from you.

Do I have to pay for duties and taxes?

Please consult your local customs office for more details about your country’s duties and taxes. We are not responsible for any import taxes, duties, or brokerages fees which may be incurred on your international order shipment.

TAMEEZ SPORTS will not in any case:

– Be responsible for these related costs.

-Custom duties and all associated taxes and costs are exclusively at Customers’ charge. These charges will have to be paid by the Customer to the shipping company or the local customs authority, upon arrival/receipt of the goods.